Jointly presented by town and district Aachen

For innovative developments in the range of CD/DVD recycling
By the innovation prize Aachen innovative developments of technology, trade, service and industry will be honoured, which are particular interesting for the further development of the economic location of town and district Aachen.
It is for particular entrepreneurial and scientific performance. The innovative aspect can be the development of new technologies as well as internal measures to improve the environment protection and the power supply, in new attempts at job creation and maintenance, new solutions to improve firm's and public infrastructure, as well as in research and development work for individual problems of town and district.
CD/DVD-grinder MRS (Material Recycling System)

«A simple teaching says: Only innovation serves the future of the region Aachen»
A company which has taken this teaching to heart particularly, said District Administrator Carl Meulenbergh, is the Hellweg Maschinenbau GmbH from Roetgen.
For its exceptional entrepreneurial performances, which have contributed to the further development of the economic location Aachen, the company has been honoured with the innovation prize of town and district Aachen at the Zinkhütter Hof museum of industry in Stolberg/Aachen.
The most successful product up to the present is the CD-mill MRS (Material Recycling System), which enables a production of CD's without any plastics waste and which instead of this recycles the plastics completely in a closed circle.
The innovation prize is presented since 10 years and honours with the company Hellweg a craftsman's establishment for the first time.

"In this way we will point out, that innovation not only takes place at universities or high-tech-engineering firms, but also is a domain of the trade", emphasized Meulenbergh.
The official speaker, Mr. Thomas Voigt, chief editor of the employer magazine "Impuls" described "the willingness, to put oneself permanent on the touch-stone and to progress" as an "essential to innovation, which also the prize winner family has always taken to heart".
The financial journalist described the prize winner as a "very exceptional example for innovation, using of new technologies, optimising of process and service".